Figure 5. pH sensing performances of IZO-based neuromorphic transistor operated in a single-spike mode.
(a) Schematic diagram of single-spike pH sensing measurements. (b) Single-spike measurement is performed for pH value increases from 4 to 10. The spike voltage VG2 (0.02V, 10 ms) and the reading voltage VD (0.2 V, 10 ms) are applied synchronously. The reference electrode VG1 is grounded. (c) The logarithm of IDS peak changes linearly with the pH value of the solution. The error bars represent standard deviations for 10 samples. (d) Reproducibility of the neuromorphic transistor sensor with pH = 6. (e) pH value dependent energy dissipation operated in single-spike mode. (f) The influence of 1000 times bending on the sensitivity of the neuromorphic transistor for both quasi-static and single-spike sensing modes. Fixed biases (VDS = 0.1 V, VG1 = 0 V, VG2 = 0.2 V) are applied in quasi-static mode. Synchronous pulse voltages VG2 (0.2 V, 10 ms) and VD (0.02 V, 10 ms) with fixed VG1 bias of 0 V are applied in dynamic spiking mode.