Figure 3. Complementary nature of the three proteomes altered in gastric cancers.
(a) Relationships among the sets of the altered proteins in gastric cancers (DEPs, DPPs, and DGPs). (b) Seven groups of the altered proteins (G1-7) that were further categorized into two classes representing the altered proteins in single types of the three proteomes (G1-3) and more than one type of the three proteomes (G4-7), respectively. (c–f) Cellular protein networks in KEGG pathway database associated with Complementary Coverages 1–4 (see text for definition). The color in the heat maps represents the significance measures, Z scores defined as –N−1(P) where N−1 is the inverse Gaussian function and P is the enrichment P-values obtained from ConsensusPathDB software. Color bar, gradients of the Z scores. The group to which each cellular protein network belonged was also indicated next to the heat maps (see legend for the network groups).