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. 2015 Dec 10;16:277. doi: 10.1186/s13059-015-0837-4

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Estimates of genome diversity in the cheetah genome relative to other mammal genomes. a SNV rate in mammals. SNV rate for each individual was estimated using all variant positions, with repetitive regions not filtered. b SNV density in cheetahs, four other felids and human based upon estimates in 50-kbp sliding windows. Of these, 38,661 fragments had lengths less than the specified window size and thus were excluded from further analysis; most of those fragments are contigs with length less than 500 bp, and thus 46,787 windows of total length 2.337 Gb were built and analyzed. c Number of SNVs in protein-coding genes in felid genomes. d The cheetah genome is composed of 93 % homozygous stretches. The genome of Boris, an outbred feral domestic cat living in St. Petersburg (top) is compared to Cinnamon, a highly inbred Abyssinian cat (Fca-6.2 reference for domestic cat genome sequence [19, 20], middle) and a cheetah (Chewbacca, bottom) as described here. Approximately 15,000 regions of 100 Mb across the genome for each species were assessed for SNVs. Regions of high variability (>40 SNVs/100 kbp) are colored red; highly homozygous regions (≤40 SNVs/100 kbp) are colored green. The first seven chromosome homologues of the genomes of Boris, Cinnamon and Chewbacca are displayed for direct comparison. The median lengths of homozygosity stretches in cheetahs (seven individuals), African lions (five individuals), Siberian and Bengal tigers, and the domestic cat are presented in Additional file 1: Figure S7