Fig. 3.
a left HERC5 distribution of fold change values (log2 scale) for 21 Chinese patient primary tumors, blue line median of patients; right Kaplan–Meier (KM) curves comparing HERC5 low (n = 11) to high expression (n = 10) predicting recurrence; b left HERC5 distribution between normal liver (red; n = 239) and HCC tumors (green; n = 247; 19), blue line mean(normals)-2SD; middle Kaplan–Meier (KM) curves comparing HERC5 low (n = 62) to high expression (n = 180) predicting recurrence; right Same as middle predicting overall survival; c left HERC5 distribution for HCC tumors, blue line median of 65 patients (20); middle KM curves comparing HERC5 low (n = 20) to high expression (n = 24) predicting PFS; right Same as middle predicting overall survival. p log-rank test, p* Cox PH regression model, HR hazard ratio