FIG 3 .
Only a few newly identified Fur binding regions lead to transcription regulation. Representative ChIP-seq plots of Fur binding to preT, dps, or appY promoter regions are shown for aerobic (red) or anaerobic (blue) growth conditions (top panel). Plots of preT, dps, or appY RNA levels from transcriptomic data are shown for wild-type (red, blue) and Δfur (yellow, green) strains grown under aerobic (red or yellow) or anaerobic (blue or green) growth conditions (middle panel). Strains bearing promoter-lacZ fusions to the preT, dps, or appY promoters were assayed for β-galactosidase activity in the presence or absence of Fur under aerobic or anaerobic growth conditions and normalized by cell density as a measure of promoter activity (bottom panel). The error bars represent the standard errors from at least three biological replicates.