Figure 5.
A single injection of Reelin recovers spatial learning and memory in the AS mouse model. (A) All groups performed similarly during hidden platform water maze training. (B) The mean number of platform location crossings during the 72 h probe trial shown for the training quadrant and the corresponding locations in other quadrants. (C) Time spent in each quadrant at 72 h post-training. All mice displayed a preference for the pool quadrant in which the platform was located during training. However, mock treated AS mice (AS Mock) demonstrate reduced preference for the target quadrant compared with mock treated wild-type littermates (WT Mock) that can be enhanced by a single injection of Reelin. WT Mock and AS mice at 5 days after Reelin injection (AS Reelin), n = 10; AS mock control, n = 8; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.