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. 2015 Oct 30;4(2):149–168. doi: 10.1007/s40122-015-0040-z

Table 1.

Summary of clinical trials of paracetamol for treatment of fever in children

Study (design; setting) Patients (N; age range) Treatments (n) Regimen Efficacy endpoint Efficacy results (PARA vs. comparator) Adverse events (PARA vs. comparator)
Versus NSAIDs
 Autret-Leca et al. [34]. (R, DB [1st dose]/OL [3 days], MC, PG; GP) Fever (304; 0.25–12 years)

PARA 15 mg/kg (150)

IBU 10 mg/kg (151)

Repeat dose for 3 days AUC0-6 h

Mean AUC0–6 h

−7.66 vs. −7.77 °C/min (P = 0.82)

Any AE

10.6% vs. 11.2%


4.6% vs. 3.3%

GI disorders

2.6% vs. 2.6%

Respiratory disorders

2.6% vs. 2.6%

 Carabano et al. [35]. (PG; NR) Fever, ≥38 °C (166; NR)

PARA 15 mg/kg (80)

IBU 7 mg/kg (86)

Single dose Change in temperature after drug administration

At 1 h

37.80 vs. 37.66 °C (P = 0.22)

At 2 h

37.29 vs. 37.09 °C (P = 0.14)

At 3 h

37.28 vs. 37.12 °C (P = 0.64)

At 4 h

37.46 vs. 37.40 °C (P = 0.72)

 Celebi et al. [59]. (R, PG; ED) Fever (301; 1–14 years)

PARA 15 mg/kg (112)

IBU 10 mg/kg (84)

KETO 0.5 mg/kg (105)

Repeat dose for 48 h Change in temperature after drug administration

At 30 min

38.4 vs. 38.5 vs. 38.4 °C

At 60 min

38.0 vs. 38.1 vs. 37.9 °C

At 120 min

37.7 vs. 37.7 vs. 37.6 °C

At 4–6 h

37.5 vs. 37.4 vs. 37.3 °C

Early (< 6 h) vomiting

3.8% vs. 9.6% vs. 13.5%

Late (6–48 h) vomiting

1.3% vs. 5.8% vs. 2.7%

 PITCH [60]. (R, SB, MC, PG; OP) Fever, ≥37.8 °C and ≤41.0 °C (156; 0.5–6 years)

PARA 15 mg/kga (52)

IBU 10 mg/kgb (52)

PARA + IBU (52)

Repeat dose for 48 h Time without fever in the first 4 h

Time without fever in the first 4 h

219 vs. 211 vs. 202 min

Time without fever in the first 24 h

1078 vs. 1029 vs. 1051 min


19.2% vs. 17.3% vs. 23.1%


11.5% vs. 5.8% vs. 3.8%


3.8% vs. 3.8% vs. 1.9%

 Wong et al. [40]. (R, DB, MC, PG; NR) Fever, ≥ 37.8 °C and ≤ 40.5 °C (628; 0.5–6 years)

PARA 12 mg/kgc (210)

DIPYR 15 mg/kg (209)

IBU 5/10 mg/kgd (209)

Single dose Patients with a temperature reduction of ≥1.5 °C

Temperature reduction of ≥1.5 °C

77% vs. 86% vs. 83%

Time to temperature reduction of ≥1.5 °C

109 vs. 103 vs. 120 min

Normal (≤37.5 °C) temperature

68% vs. 82% vs. 78%

(both P = 0.004 vs. PARA)

Drug-related AEs

15% vs. 17% vs. 27%


3.8% vs. 4.3% vs. 2.9%


2.4% vs. 1.4% vs. 1.4%

Versus PL
 Gupta et al. [38]. (R, DB, PC; tertiary care) Fever, ≥ 37.6 °C and ≤ 40.5 °C (210; 0.5–6 years)

PARA 15 mg/kg (103)

PL (107)

Single dose Fever clearance time [time to normal (≤37.5 °C) temperature]

Median fever clearance time

32 vs. 36 h

(P = 0.23)

AE in first 6 h

8.7% vs. 0%

 Kramer et al. [61]. (R, DB, PC; home) Fever, ≥ 38 °C and < 41 °C (225; 0.5–6 years)

PARA 10–15 mg/kg (123)

PL (102)

Multiple dose q4 h Duration of fever

Mean duration of fever

34.7 vs. 36.1 h

Parenteral PARA (i.e., PROP)
 Reymond et al. [84]. (Two studies; R, OL, PG; hospital) Fever (10/24; NR)

Study 1

PROP 30 mg/kg (5)

ASA 15 mg/kg (5)

Study 2

PROP 30 mg/kg (11)

PROP 15 mg/kg (13)

Single dose Change in temperature

Study 1: change in temperature

−1.99 vs. −2.31 °C

Study 2: change in temperature

−1.79 vs. −2.11 °C

Burning sensation during PROP infusion in 45% of patients
Drug-dosage comparison
 Treluyer et al. [36]. (R, DB, PG; NR) Fever, 39–40.5 °C (121; 0.33–9 years)

PARA 30 mg/kg LD (62)

PARA 15 mg/kg MD (59)

Single dose Rectal temperature

Time to rectal temperature <38.5 °C

110.7 vs. 139.4 min

(P = 0.05)

Any AE

9.7 vs. 8.5%

AUC 06h area under the temperature reduction curve-absolute difference in tympanic temperature from baseline at 6 h, ASA aspirin, DB double blind, DIPYR dipyrone, ED emergency department, GI gastrointestinal, GP general practice, IBU ibuprofen, KETO ketoprofen, LD loading dose, MD maintenance dose, NR not reported, NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, OL open label, OP outpatient, PARA paracetamol, PL placebo, PC placebo-controlled, PG parallel group, PROP propacetamol, q4 h Every 4 h, R randomized, SB single blind

aEvery 4–6 h

bEvery 6–8 h

cDosed according to age; average was 12 mg/kg

d5 mg/kg for T0 < 39.2 °C; 10 mg/kg for T0 ≥ 39.2 °C