Table 1.
Overview of measures administered at each assessment interval
Questionnaire | Aim | Baseline (T0) | Week 7 (T1) | Week 15 (T2) | Week 67 (T3) |
Primary outcomes | |||||
BAI | Anxiety severity | x | x | x | x |
SCID-I/MINI-plus | Diagnostic interview | x | |||
EQ-5D-5L | General well-being | x | x | x | x |
TiC-P | Health-care utilization | x | x | x | |
Other variables of interest | |||||
General patient characteristics | x | ||||
A priori treatment preference | x | ||||
BDI | Depression | x | x | x | x |
WSAS | Work and social adjustment | x | x | x | x |
BSI | General psychopathology | x | x | x | x |
CSQ | Satisfaction | x | |||
Mastery Scale | Locus of control | x | x | x | x |
WAI | Therapeutic alliance | x | |||
SUS (bCBT only) | System usability | x |
BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory, SCID Structured Clinical Interview for DMS disorders axis I, MINI plus Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus, EQ-5D-5L EuroQol, iC-P Trimbos and iMTA questionnaire on Costs associated with Psychiatric illness, BDI Beck Depression Inventory, WSAS Work and Social Adjustment Scale, BSI Brief Symptom Inventory, CSQ Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, WAI Work Alliance Inventory, SUS System Usability Scale, bCBT blended Cognitive Behavioural Therapy