ABA signaling in response to salt and osmotic stress. Fluorescence emission of the expression-based ABA signaling reporter pRAB18-GFP in (A and B) the hypocotyl, (C and D) the root maturation zone, and (E and F) the early maturation zone, elongation zone, and division zone in response to 6 hours control, 10 µM ABA, 100mM NaCl (salt stress), and 300 µM sorbitol (osmotic stress) treatments. Images were calibrated according to the adjacent calibration bar. B, D, and F: Background subtracted fluorescence emission values measured from two color-coded regions depicted in the right images of (A, C, and E) and normalized to the control. Data represent means ± SEM of n = 8 seedlings. The indicated color-coded regions are representative for regions analyzed in all acquired images with identical positions on the Y-axis.