Evolution of sensori-motor functional responses induced by passive movement of the right wrist during. Following right wrist movement, localized functional activity was identified in all infants in the contralateral (left) primary somatosensory cortex. Functional responses can be seen to progress from a contralateral only pattern in the youngest infants at 31–32 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA) (top row, n = 9); to include the midline supplementary motor area (SMA) at 33–34 weeks (second row, n = 13); and the ipsilateral peri-rolandic cortex and thalamus at 35–36 weeks (third row, n = 10). At term equivalent age (37–44 weeks; fourth row, n = 15), a mature adult-like activation pattern is seen in the bilateral peri-rolandic regions, basal ganglia, SMA, and contralateral opercular cortex/secondary somatosensory cortex. The images show the results of one-sample t-test performed using permutation testing and corrected for family-wise error (FWE) overlaid on an age-specific 4D brain T2-weighted brain atlas (Serag et al. 2012).