Table 1.
Total live birth-2601 Middle test-67 |
Total neonates | Test passed | Refer/test failed |
Initial screening (1st DPOAE) | 2534 | 2482 (97.95 %) | 52 (2.05 % initial refer rate) |
2nd OAE rescreening (1st DPOAE refer cases) | 38 (78.07 % follow up rate 14—lost to follow-up) | 25 | 13 |
Confirmation with BERA showed moderate to severe SNHL—7 cases (5 à High risk +ve, 2 àHigh risk −ve). 2 HR −ve neonates brought by the parents at the age of 13 and 18 months respectively, confirmed by abnormal BERA waveform