Figure 4. Thermal expansion of Ba0.6Sr0.4Zn2Si2O7.
On the left side, XRD-patterns, recorded at various temperatures are presented in a 2θ range between 18° and 42°. In the lower two diffractograms, the peak positions of Al2O3 (internal standard) and Ba0.6Sr0.4Zn2Si2O7 are shown. The peaks of Al2O3 were taken from ref. 14. In the upper right corner, the cell parameters, determined by X-ray powder diffraction are given as a function of the temperature. In the lower right corner, the dilatometric thermal expansion behavior of bulk ceramics, prepared with different sintering conditions is illustrated: (A) sintered at 1300 °C without compression (B) isostatically pressed with 100 bar and afterwards sintered at 1175 °C; (C) hot pressed at 1100 °C with an uniaxial pressure of 28 MPa; (D) sintered at 1270 °C without compression. Furthermore, the volume of the unit cell is shown (blue symbols).