Fig. 3.
HCV NS5A protein. Several regions within the NS5A proteins of HCV play a role in the IFN sensitivity of HCV including the interferon-sensitivity-determining region (ISDR; codons 2209–2248 of HCV genome corresponding to amino acid residues 237–276 of NS5A protein), the interferon and ribavirin resistance determining region (IRRDR; codons 2334–2379 or amino acid residues 362–407 of NS5A), the protein kinase R binding domain (PKRBD; codons 2209–2274 or amino acid residues 237–302 of NS5A), and the variable region 3 (V3; codons 2353–2379 or amino acid residues 381–407 of NS5A) [17, 98, 123, 135, 137]