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. 2015 Nov 20;43(22):10633–10654. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1267

Table 1. Shared features of the SLOG superfamily.

Secondary structure elements and conserved residue positions common to SLOG superfamily
Higher order clade Family name (pdbid) S1 small residue loop S1 loop binding pocket resi. S2 small residue loop H2 binding pocket residue S3 loop residues H3/dH3 H4 binding pocket residue S5 small residue loop H5 binding pocket residues H6/H6a-H6b; presence/absence of S7 and H7
LOG proper classic LOG (2Q4D) GS - GGG M PxxL dH3 RK PGG TxE/DE H6a-H6b; S7 and H7 present
Moco-binding (2IZ5) GsG - sGG M P- dH3 R GxG TxxE H6; S7 and H7 present
Genome tandem LOG (1WEK) GSs - GGGsG M PF dH3 RK PGG TxDE H6a-H6b; S7 and H7 present
DUF4478/3412 fusion (4NPA) GG H GCG M P- dH3 R PGG TxEE H6a-H6b; S7 and H7 present
Sir2/TIR-associating STALD (Sir2/TIR-Associating LOG-Smf/DprA) SGs p sGxG h PF dH3 R GSR/K xxxE H6-H6b?; cpS7 and cpH7 present
LDcluster2 SxS D GG- h P- H3 oxMR GG- xxEE H6; H7 present, S7 possibly absent
LDcluster3 SxS R GGH h Qo dH3 SxxxMR GG- xxxE H6; H7 present, S7 possibly absent
LDcluster4 GSG - TGss h P- dH3 R sG- TxxE H6; S7 and H7 present
TPALS (TIR/PNP-Associating LOG-DprA/Smf) GS - -ss DW polar patch H3 Q GGG —p H6; S7 and H7 present
YpsA proper YpsA (2NX2) oG R ss- GxD/E PF H3 a D/Ns Txxx H6, S7, H7 absent
cpYpsA (3IMK) NxAGs (cpS1,H1) R SGGQ GxD P- (dS3) dH3 RTxxN GoxxT H6; S7 and H7 absent
YAcAr (YspA, cpYpsA related) sGs - Gs GxD/E dH3 RN SG- oxxx H6, S7, H7 absent
LSDAT proper LSDAT (LOG-Smf/DprA in TRPM) prokaryote GGA - ssGT h dH3 WxxE sGG TxxE/D H6a-H6b; S7 and H7 present
LSDAT (LOG-Smf/DprA in TRPM) eukaryote GG - ssG - dH3 ExxxR -GG —- H6a-H6b; S7 and H7 present
SMF/DprA Smf/DprA (4LJR) Gs R SGxA GxD Px[6]Y H3 RN/D —- ee-H6; S7 and H7 present

Abbreviations: o, serine/threonine; s, small residue; h, long hydrophobic residue; x, any residue; d, degenerate secondary structure element; a, aromatic; ?, presence of element not clear from alignment; cp, circularly-permuted element; -, element or residue not conserved; ee, extended loop; resi, residue.