Fig. S2.
(A and G) Collagen contents of the skin (A) and lung (G) in PBS- or BLM-treated WT and Irf5−/− mice assessed by hydroxyproline assay (n = 5). (B and E) The number of dermal fibroblasts positive for α-SMA (B) and MMP-13 (E) were determined by immunohistochemistry in WT and Irf5−/− mice with PBS or BLM injection (n = 5). (Scale bars, 100 µm.) (C and F) The absolute number of dermal fibroblasts positive for α-SMA (C) and MMP-13 (F) in the dermis of PBS- or BLM-treated WT and Irf5−/− mice. (D) mRNA levels of genes concerned with collagen metabolism and fibrillogenesis were assessed by qRT-PCR in the skin of PBS- or BLM-treated WT and Irf5−/− mice (n = 8). (Scale bars, 100 µm.) *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 by two-tailed unpaired t-test.