Fig. 1. Expression of Wnt/PCP molecules in the zebrafish head of 55 hours hpf and 3 dpf embryos.
(A–H’, K–L’) In situ hybridizations of whole mount wild type embryos. (I–J’) wnt5b expression in gpc4fr6 mutant embryos. (A–L’) Arrows indicate staining in the pharyngeal arches. (M–P) Sections of whole mount in situ hybridizations. (M) vangl2 is expressed in the mes and nc. (N) gpc4 is expressed in the pe, mes and the nc. (O) wnt5b is expressed in the mes and nc. (P) Sox10:GFP expression in the mes and in the nc. Abbreviations: mes = mesoderm, nc = neural crest, pe = pharyngeal endoderm. Scale bar = 100 µm.