Neurotrophins. (A-C). Age-related differences in neurotrophins. NT4 differences in (A) brainstem nuclei and (B) muscles of interest, (C) BDNF differences in TA. A) Concentration of NT4 was lower in old groups in all brainstem nuclei: Significantly lower concentration of NT4 in all brainstem nuclei of interest (BSC: p=0.003, HN: p < 0.0001, NA: p=0.02) in the old group than the young adult group. B) Increased concentration of NT4 in the TA muscle with age: Significantly greater (p=0.03) concentration of NT4 in the TA of the old group compared to young adult group. No significant difference in NT4 concentration with age in the EDL (p=0.11) or GG (p=0.47). C) Significantly lower (p=0.03) concentration of BDNF in the TA of old no-exercise control group vs young no-exercise control group. D) Age and exercise interaction effects in the HN. A significant increase (p < 0.001) in BDNF concentration was found in the old exercise group compared with the old control group, and a significant decrease (p < 0.001, p=002) in BDNF concentration was observed between the old exercise group and old 2W and 4W groups, respectively. There was no significant difference between the exercise group and the other training groups (control: p=0.5, 2W: p=0.92, 4W: p=0.44) for the young adult group. * denotes significant values; error bars represent standard error of the mean.