Fig. 5.
Dasatinib inhibits αSMA and fibronectin assembly in HFLFs. A. Representative images of HFLFs subjected to serum starvation (in 2% serum) followed by treatment with 10 nM dasatinib or 10 µM PP2 (low dose) or 40 nM dasatinib or 40 µM PP2 (high dose) for 24 h, and probed for αSMA and fibronectin expression using Alxa Flour 488-labeled secondary antibodies. B. Bar graph showing NIH-Image J based quantitative analysis of SMA expression (left) and fibronectin assembly (right) by HFLFs after low and high dose treatments with dasatinib or PP2 in 2% serum medium (n=3). Data presented as mean ± SD. Scale bar: 50 µm. * §P<0.001