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. 2015 Oct 1;8(10):13619–13624.

Table 2.

Characteristics of three cases of Behçet’s disease-like syndrome secondary to virus infection

Age/sex General manifestations oral ulcers and genital ulcers Eye lesions Skin lesion Arthritis Major organ involvement Virus infection Resolution
65/F [7] Fever Fatigue Wasting Enlargement of lymphnodes + - Erythematous papules and vesicles - - Chronic active EBV infection Famciclovirdapsone
13/F [8] Fever + Uveitis Vesicles + - HSV-1 reactivation Valacyclovir
27/F [9] Fatigue, Fevers, Night sweats, AnorexiasPhotophobia + Conjunctivitis EN + - HIV infection Prednisone thalidomide, without improvement; Colchicine improvement without recur

EN erythema nodosum.