Figure 1.
The RZZ complex is critical for Mad1 kinetochore localization. HeLa cells depleted of (a,f, middle row) Bub1, (a,f, bottom row) KNL1, (c,g) Rod and (d,h) ZW10 were stained for ACA, Mad1 and (a,f) DAPI, (c,g) Rod or (d,h) ZW10, as indicated. The controls for each experiment are shown in the top rows for each panel, and the nocodazole-treated samples are shown in panels (f–h) (all rows). (b,e) Normalized Mad1 kinetochore fluorescence intensity was measured in control cells and those treated with the respective siRNAs as indicated in the bar graph. Error bars represent s.d. between experiments. (b) n > 182 kinetochores, n > 7 cells per experiment, n = 3 independent experiments, **p < 0.05 (Student's t-test). (e) n = 76 kinetochores, n = 3 cells per experiment, n = 2 independent experiments for Rod siRNA, n = 58 kinetochores, n = 3 cells per experiment and n = 2 independent experiments for ZW10 siRNA.