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. 2008 Sep;40(3):159–165.

Table 1.

Demographic and procedural data.

Procedure Types n PDUCD (%) ASCTS (6) (%)
Isolated CABG 339 50 63
Isolated valve 107 15 13
Valve CABG   67 10 10
Other 162 24 14
Total 675
Eligible 513
Age distribution
    <40 yrs   4   4
    40–49 yrs   7   6
    50–59 yrs 17 18
    60–69 yrs 30 30
    70–79 yrs 31 34
    80+ yrs 11   7
Conduit use (CABG)
    LIMA 93 85
    RIMA   3   1
    RADG 14 54
    GEPA   0   0
Mean no. grafts      2.7      3.4

The PDUCD data have been compared with the published data from the ASCTS database for procedure type, age, and conduit use. The term “Eligible” relates to whether a case met the inclusion criteria for the PDUCD data collection.

PDUCD, Perfusion Downunder collaborative database; ASCTS, Australasian Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; LIMA left internal mammary artery; RIMA, right internal mammary artery; GEPA, gastroepiploic artery.