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. 2008 Mar;40(1):21–26.

Table 5.

Arterial line filter criteria values ranked in overall net descending order of air-separating performance at 4.5 L/min, 32°C, and 20% hematocrit.

Filter (Screen μm) Percent Rated (μm)* 90% (μm)* Prime Volume (mL) Flow Resistance Cubic Micrometers After Bolus Peak Micrometers After Bolus§ Seconds After Bolus
Cobe 21 93 15 178 3.33   0.85 190   40
Gish 25 97   5 168 4.28   1.65 225   62
Pall LG-6 40 99   5 220 4.66   3.06 215 108
Medtronic 20 94   5 212 4.27   3.10 275   70
Dideco 27 90 27 195 5.16 10.01 300   85
Cobe 43 85 70 178 2.94 67.09 325 166
Terumo 40 80 82 200 3.47 36.16 300 145
Medtronic 38 77 75 212 4.10 35.42 290 157
Terumo 37 78 75 125 4.13 34.71 330 203
Gish 40 80 75 168 4.14 70.92 345 146

Percent removal at rated pore size when challenged with a high-count, 10-to 200-μm flowing distribution of GME.

Flow resistance in mmHg/L/min with 100 mmHg afterload.

Gas volume passed in ×107 μm3 after filter inlet 10-mL room air bolus.


The largest micrometer GME at filter outlet after filter inlet 10-mL room air bolus.

Seconds that filter outlet GME persist after filter inlet 10-mL room air bolus.