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. 2015 Dec 6;6:248. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0237-4

Table 4.

Outcomes in function recovery after myocardial infarction following gelatin and Matrigel scaffold delivery

Scaffold material Cell lines and/or other components MI model Main results References
Gelatin Fetal rat ventricular cells Rat Scaffold adhered to tissue, presence of blood vessels, cell to cell linking and spontaneous contraction, no cardiac function improvements [140]
Erythropoietin Rabbit LV end-systolic and end-diastolic dimensions↓, LV EF↑, FS↑, ±dP/dt↑, erythrocyte number↑, hematocrit↑, infarct size↓, fibrosis↓, infarct border zone capillary density↑ [142]
bFGF Rat FS↑, infarct size↓, infarcted/non-infarcted wall thickness ratio↑, LV expansion index↓, capillary and arteriolar density↑, CM apoptosis↓ [143]
bFGF alone or with human bone marrow-derived MSCs or human cardiosphere-derived cells Pig bFGF alone: arterial vessels↑, myocardial perfusion↑, LV EF↑. With human cardiosphere-derived cells: LV EF↑, infarct volume↓, wall motion↑, differentiation to CM↑. With human bone marrow-derived MSCs: LV EF↑, infarct volume↓ [144]
Human cardiac-derived stem cells+bFGF Human No adverse side effects↑, LV EF↑, infarct size↓, maximal aerobic exercise capacity↑ [145], NCT00981006
Matrigel Rat Capillary density↑ [147]
Rat LV EF↑, contractility↑, infarct wall thickness↑, angiogenesis↑, c-kit+and CD43+ stem cell myocardial homing↑ [148]
Rat adipose-derived stromal cells Rat LV EF↑, LV akinesis↓, contractility↑, infarcted area size↓ [149]
Mouse ESCs Mouse Connexin 43 expression, graft/infarct area↑, FS↑, LV wall thickness preservation [150]
Mouse ESCs Rat FS↑, myocardial wall thickness↑, LV dilatation prevention, connexin 43 and α-sarcomeric actin expression [151]
Human ESC-derived CMs with prosurvival cocktail Rat Cell engraftment↑, LV end-diastolic and systolic dimensions↓, FS↑, EF↑, infarcted area wall thickening↑ [152]
Mouse bone marrow-derived MSCs Mouse No improvements in FS, EF, or LV diastolic end volume [153]
Matrigel+collagen Rat H9c2 cardiomyoblasts alone, with VEGF, or with bFGF Rat Three groups: cell survival↑, LV wall thickness↑, LV EF↑, FS↑. No significant additional improvements were observed with VEGF or bFGF [154]
Rat myoblasts Rat Inflammatory response↑, FS↑, LV end-systolic diameter↓, scaffold vascularized [155]
Rat cardiac myocytes Rat No improvements in cardiac function or LV wall thickness, sarcomere integrity, vascularized and innervated graft, contraction preserved, electrical and mechanical coupling requires further evaluation [156]
Rat neonatal ventricular CMs Rat CM sarcomeric structural integrity, FS↑, anterior wall thickness↑, LV end-systolic diameter↓ [157]
Rat neonatal heart cells Rat Non-delayed electrical coupling, dilatation↓, systolic wall thickening↑, FS area↑ [158]

bFGF basic fibroblast growth factor, CM cardiomyocyte; dP/dt change in pressure over time, EF ejection fraction, ESC embryonic stem cell, FS fractional shortening, LV left ventricle/left ventricular, MI myocardial infarction, MSC mesenchymal stem cell, VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor