Fig. 4.
The O2PLS-DA model for predicting the ripening states of DS1-bolon samples. a A scatter plot of the O2PLS-DA predicted scores versus the PC1 scores from DS1-bolon indicating a significant correlation level. b The O2PLS-DA class prediction scores (x-axis) for all 186 measured metabolic profiles listed sequentially on the y-axis within their respective datasets. The batch1&2 samples served (excluding sample 11) as the training set for the O2PLS-DA classifier. The DS2-immature samples are predicted correctly within their predefined development classes as initially revealed by the PCA analysis: class1 (light green), class2 (light pink), class3 (light blue). The symbols color code reflects the level of the dates endogenous sucrose level expressed in standard deviation units from the mean, calculated for each batch separately. Only samples with high sucrose level are labelled with their IDs for clarity. c Density plot of the O2PLS-DA class prediction scores for the DS1-bolon and DS2-mature datasets