From top to bottom: SiC2
JKa,Kc=116,6 – 106,5 v=0, 29SiO J=6 – 5 v=0 and 29SiS J=15 – 14 v=0. Three velocity offsets with respect to the VLSR of the source are shown: +0, +6 and +12 km s−1. The position of the star is shown as a white star. The first contour corresponds to 5 σ (see Table 1) and the rest correspond to 15, 25, 50, 75 and 90% of the maximum intensity, except for 29SiS J=15–14 where the first contour is at 25 σ level (a large-scale artificial modulation appears below that level). The synthetic beam is represented in the top right corner of each of the three maps series. The intensity scale in Jy beam−1 is shown at the right edge of the figure. The orientation is explicitly shown in the bottom right box.