Fig. 2.
Matsushimamyces bohaniensis (CBEC 001– holotype) A. Conidia on aggregated conidiophores. B. Fungus growing and sporulating on white horse hair. C. Numerous developing conidia on SDA surface. D. Conidium showing light coloured apical and basal cell including swollen spore mother cell/conidiogenous cell. E. Detached and attached conidium from conidiophore. F. Developing conidia at a very early stage of development. G. Single conidium with attached conidiophore indicating that it is not rhexolytic dehiscence, also visible in F where conidiophore is still intact. H. Broken spore (asexual) due to external pressure exerted on cover slip showing characteristic fragmentation reminiscent of a phragmospore. Bars: A–B = 100 μm; C = 150 μm; D–H = 20 μm.