Table 1.
Author(s), Number of Items Analyzed, Number of Factors Retained and Variance Explained, Form and Response Format, Sample Size, and Description for Exploratory Factor-Analytic Studies (n = 12)
Study | Items Analyzed | Factors (Variance Explained) | Form | N | Sample Description |
Full-scale | |||||
Brenner et al38 | 42 | 3 (31.50%) | English & French | Random half of 2275 | Canadian general population (49.5% male; Mean age = 26) |
Fonseca-Pedrero et al39 | 42 | 3b (34.57%) | Spanish | 660 | Spanish university students (N = 660; 29.5% male; Mean age = 20.3) |
Verdoux et al36 | 42 | 3 (31.30%) | French | 571 | French undergraduate female students (Mean age = 19.8) |
Positive dimension | |||||
Armando et al41 | 18a | 4 (51.50%) | English & Italian | 1777 | Australian high school students (N=848; 47% male; Mean age = 15) and Italian university students (N=929; 23.4% male; Mean age = 21) |
Armando et al42 | 20 | 4 (51.00%) | Italian | 997 | Italian university students (23.8% male; Mean age = 21) |
Barragan et al43 | 20 | 4 (48.00%) | Spanish | 777 | Spanish high school students (49.1% male; Mean age = 14.4) |
Stefanis et al44 | 20 | 4 (N.A.) | Greek | 3500 | Greek adolescents (45% male; Mean age = 19) |
Therman et al40 | 20 | 5 (62.80%) | Swedish P&P; O | 31822 | Swedish women (Mean age = 51.4) |
Wigman et al47 | 20 | 5 (60.30%) | Language not specified | 5422 | Adolescents in Europe & North America (50% male; Mean age = 14.0) |
Yung et al46 | 20 | 3 (52.44%) | English | 140 | Australian help-seeking youth with a nonpsychotic psychiatric problem (42% male; Mean age = 17.67) |
Yung et al45 | 20 | 4 (N.A.) | English | 875 | Australian high school students (46.9% male) |
Negative dimension | |||||
Barragan et al43 | 14 | 3 (43.00%) | Spanish | 777 | Spanish high school students (49.1% male; Mean age = 14.4) |
Ziermans48 | 14 | 3 (54.00%) | Swedish | 1012 | Swedish adolescents and young adults (Mean age = 24.4) |
Note: P&P, Pencil & Paper; O, Online.
aThe authors excluded items 15 and 20 from factor analysis because these items reportedly “related more closely to cultural background and age than to psychopathology.”
bAuthors reported that a tetradimensional solution was implicated for extraction, but only 2 factors loaded on the fourth factor. Hence, a tridimensional solution was preferred.