Heterogeneity, ectopic beats and intermittent arrhythmias in homogeneous tissue due to bistable switches. A. Intermittent EAD propagation in 1D cable. APs from top (a0, a1) and bottom (b0, b1) of the cable are shown. Traces a0 and b0 are for uncoupled cells, showing out-of-phase bistable switches due to different initial conditions. When cells are electrically coupled (a1 and b1), EADs propagate intermittently. Space-time plot (bottom) shows one arrhythmic episode. Arrows - EAD propagation. B. APD heterogeneities and ectopic beats form in 2D tissue due to intermittent EAD propagation. Top, pseudo-EKG shows intermittent arrhythmias. Middle, AP trains along the AP propagation during one arrhythmia episode (blue bar below EKG). Bottom, voltage snapshots show complex spatiotemporal patterns. [Na]i was initially set 0.3 mM higher in the red areas for both 1D cable and 2D tissue.