Fig. 1.
PLA2R1 expression and PLA2R1 promoter methylation in HMEC and mammary cancer cell lines. a Part of the proximal promoter region of human PLA2R1 gene (ENSG00000153246, transcript is shown. PLA2R1-001 ENST00000283243) expands from −437 to −270 bp relative to exon-1. The sequence in which the methylation degree was quantified using MS-HRM analysis contains nine CpG sites. Positions of potential transcription factor binding sites in the proximal part of the PLA2R1 gene are indicated. b Difference plots normalized to the 0 %-methylated standard DNA sample and a standard curve with 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 % methylation ratios in black dotted lines (from the bottom up) are shown. Cell lines (1–6): HMEC, CAL-51, UACC-812, BT-474, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-453, respectively. c Bar graphs show the mean PLA2R1 methylation degree ± SD (%) calculated from two MS-HRM analyses in triplicates. d Relative expression levels of PLA2R1 and GAPDH as reference gene were determined in HMEC and mammary cancer cells using real-time RT-PCR. The estimated values of comparative quantification were normalized to levels of expression in HMEC that was set at 1.0. Results are shown as means ± SD. Analyses were performed in duplicates and experiments were repeated three times. * - p < 0.05 relative to HMEC values