Figure 2.
Daily insulin use at 6 months posttransplant versus the islet dose (left, in units of number of islet particles [IPs] per kilogram [kg] recipient body weight; middle, in units of number of islet equivalents [IE] per kg) and islet size index (right, ISI) for each patient, with bivariate linear regression analysis illustrating clear associations for both islet product parameters. The dotted lines indicate the bounds of the 95% confidence interval associated with the linear fit. Correlation analysis yield Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (ρ) that are also shown; IPs/kg (ρ=−0.50) and ISI (ρ=0.51) had good correlation with daily insulin use at 6 months, whereas IEs/kg did not (ρ=−0.08). Solid circles represent patients achieving insulin independence, grey circles represent patients with partial insulin dependence, and unfilled circles represent patients with complete insulin dependence.