Reactions with CBHI fraction (5 μg/mg, red with horizontal stripes); rCel6A (5 μg/mg green with white horizontal stripes; 10 μg/mg, green with white dots); rCel6A and CDH (10 μg/mg and 1 μg/mg, respectively, green with white grid); rCel6A, CDH and laccase (10, 0.5 and 0.5 μg/mg, respectively, blue with grey grid); rCel6A and laccase (10 and 1 μg/mg, respectively, blue with grey vertical stripes); CBHI fraction and rCel6A (5 and 5 μg/mg, respectively, grey with diagonal stripes) or CBHI fraction, rCel6A and laccase (5, 5 and 1 μg/mg, respectively, grey with white vertical stripes), for 4 h at 50°C. Significant differences (p<0.05) in the amount of released reducing sugars between the compared reactions are indicated by asterisk.