Fig 4. Spike and LFP activity of another representative cell.
Same conventions as Fig 3. A. The RF was centered 0.6° right and 4.0° down. B, C. Raster and spike density plots (B) and mean LFP traces (C) in response to S2 alone (upper) and S1 alone (lower) aligned at their onset times. Shadings indicate ±2 SE. D. SOA time plot. Representative spike densities for SOA of 10 and 40 ms are indicated by red and blue horizontal lines, respectively. E, F. Upper and middle panels: Spike (E) and LFP activity (F) in response to S1-S2 sequences with SOAs of 10 (red) and 40 ms (blue); black traces indicate references taken from the S2-alone condition. Bottom panels: The magnitude of modulation (S1-S2 sequence minus S2-alone condition) in spike (E) and LFP (F) are plotted for SOAs of 10 ms (red) 40 ms (blue). Note that for the SOA of 10 ms, the magnitude of modulation in spike activity was negative (suppressed) and the modulation of LFP was relatively weak, whereas for the SOA of 40 ms, the magnitude of modulation in spike activity was positive (facilitated) and the modulation of LFP was relatively strong.