Figure 2.
MNI-caged auxins are highly stable in planta and are uncaged by light-irradiation. (A–C) The caged auxins (20 μM) in the GM culture media were photolyzed by light irradiation (350–400 nm). 5-days-old Arabidopsis auxin-responsive DR5::GUS seedlings were incubated in the photolyzed medium (+light) or non-irradiated medium (−light) for 5 h in the dark. The GUS reporter enzyme was induced to the released auxins, and quantified by a fluorometer with a fluorescent substrate. The GUS activity was shown as normalized values to 100% values of 10 μM auxin treatment. Bar represents SD (n = 15). (D) DR5::GUS seedling was incubated with 20 μM caged auxin for 24 h in the dark without photolysis and then auxin-inducible DR5::GUS activity visualized by histochemical β-D-glucuronidase (GUS) staining.