Domain organization of human OGT (A) and OGA (B) enzymes and their orthologues from T. terrenum.
A, the TPR repeats of OGT are illustrated in dark blue, and the N- (N-Cat) and C-terminal (C-Cat) catalytic lobes of the GT41 family domain are shown in pink and purple, respectively. The catalytic lysine residues are marked with lines. The disordered regions are in pale green, and the intervening domain of hOGT is in lilac. ID, intervening domain. B, the catalytic O-GlcNAcase (GH84) domain is shown in dark green, the helical bundle domain is shown in orange, and the histone acetyltransferase domain of hOGA is shown in dark red. HB, helical bundle domain; DR, disordered region.