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. 2015 Dec 18;9:653. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00653

Table 2.

Peak MNI coordinates, t-values and region labels for the antisaccade session 2 > session 1 whole brain contrast.

Cluster # # Voxels Region Label (BA) Peak MNI T-value
1 10500 L frontal eye field/precentral gyrus (6) −27, −1, 67 7.03
L middle occipital gyrus (18/19) −24, −85, 25 6.21
L IPS/superior parietal lobule (7) −24, −58, 55 6.11
R lingual gyrus (19) 18, −76, −14 6.26
R middle occipital gyrus (18/19) 30, −79, 31 5.70
R IPS/superior parietal lobule (7) 27, −55, 58 6.20
L lingual gyrus (19) −18, −76, −14 6.42
R frontal eye field/precentral gyrus (6) 30, −4, 49 6.08
L cerebellar declive/culmen (lobule 6) −24, −64, −29 4.53
R superior occipital gyrus (19) 15, −97, 16 6.89
R cuneus (19) 12 −97 16 6.80
R cerebellar declive (lobule 6) 33, −58, −23 4.65
L superior occipital gyrus (19) −24, −85, 28 6.45
L cuneus (18/19/31) −15, −85, 16 5.54
R fusiform gyrus (19) 21, −76, −14 6.64
R supplementary eye field 3, −1, 61 4.35
L precuneus (7) −15, −61, 61 5.48
L cerebellar culmen/tuber (crus 1) −33, −55, −32 4.42
R precuneus (7) 12, −67, 58 5.06
L fusiform (19) −24, −76, −11 5.68
R anterior cingulate (24/32) −21, 5, 49 4.05
L anterior cingulate (24/32) 24, 5, 52 4.04
R cerebellar culmen/tuber (crus 1) 33, −55, −29 4.57
L DLPFC/middle frontal gyrus (9) −48, −1, 34 5.10
cerebellar vermis (6/7/8) 0, −73, −35 4.31
R supramarginal gyrus (40) 36, −37, 46 4.80
2 403 L putamen −21, −4, 10 4.82
L caudate −9, 2, 10 4.52
L insula −33, 14, 4 4.15
L thalamus −9, −1, 7 4.63
3 122 R caudate 18, 17, 7 4.05
R putamen 21, 14, 7 3.83

Contrast was thresholded at FDR corrected p < 0.01, extent threshold p < 0.05 (45 voxels).