Fig. 4.
Growth phenotype of wild type, and ΔcitC and Δnog1. a Growth curves of wild type, and ΔcitC and Δnog1 strains grown separately in Schott bottles under shaking at 37 °C. The average OD values and the standard deviations from three replicates are given. b Percentage of strains after growth in competitive growth assays. Gray columns indicate plain LB medium, green columns LB supplemented with MgCl2. The experiments were repeated at least three times and standard deviations are shown. First column, growth of Δnog1 against wild type in LB; second column, Δnog1 against wild type in LB with MgCl2; third column, growth of ΔcitC against wild type in LB; fourth column, growth of Δnog1 against ΔcitC in LB; fifth column, growth of Δnog1 against ΔcitC in LB with MgCl2; sixth column, growth of Δnog1 + pBAD competing against wild type + pBAD in LB with MgCl2; seventh column, Δnog1 + pBAD::nog1 was grown together with wild type + pBAD in LB with MgCl2. The last two experiments were performed in the presence of ampicillin and arabinose