(A) GFP-TRAP experiment using HeLa cell lysates
co-expressing GFP (control) or GFP-ubiquitin and the indicated
mCherry-p62 variants. The endogenous p62 was silenced by siRNA treatment.
Eight percent input and 100% of the bead fractions were analyzed by
western blotting using anti-GFP and anti-p62 antibodies. (B)
Scheme of the set-up of the experiment shown in (C) and
(D) Recombinant GFP-ubiquitin was cross-linked to 2 µm
latex beads and incubated with purified mCherry-p62 variants at 50 nM
final concentration. Beads were observed using a spinning disk microscope
under steady-state conditions. (C) Representative images of
the recruitment of mCherry-p62 variants on GFP-ubiquitin-coated
beads. Pictures were taken using the same microscopy settings
and shown in false color for the mCherry-p62 signal (ImageJ: fire). Scale
bar 1 μm. (D) Quantification of mCherry-p62 recruitment to
beads coated with GFP-ubiquitin or GFP. Averages and SD of three
independent replicates are shown. Indicated p-values were calculated with
a two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test. (E)
Quantification of steady-state binding of the indicated p62 variants to
the indicated ubiquitin chains cross-linked to 2 µm latex beads. Averages
and SD of three independent replicates are shown. All data are normalized
to wild-type mCherry-p62 binding to linear tetra-ubiquitin. p-Values were
calculated using a two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test.(F)
Coomassie-stained gels showing p62 sedimentation assays conducted with
recombinant wild-type mCherry-p62 in the presence of the indicated
tetra-ubiquitin chains. GST was used as a negative control. For each
sample, the input, supernatant, and pellet fractions are shown.
Quantifications are shown below the gel. The protein amount in the
pellets and supernatants are expressed as fractions of the
input. (G) Quantification of steady-state binding of the
indicated p62 variants to beads coated with GST-mono-, di- or
–tetra-ubiquitin. GST was used as negative control. Averages and SD of at
least three independent experiments are shown. Data are normalized to
wild-type mCherry-p62 binding to GST-tetra-ubiquitin. Data points were
fitted to mono-exponential curves (dashed lines). (H) p62
co-sedimentation assay with increasing concentrations of linear
tetra-ubiquitin. Wild-type mCherry-p62 was incubated with linear
tetra-ubiquitin chains at the indicated molar ratios before
ultracentrifugation. Inputs, supernatants and pellets were analyzed by
SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie staining. Quantification was performed as
described for (F). (I) Fluorescence recovery
after photo-bleaching (FRAP) curves of wild-type mCherry-p62 recruited to
mono-ubiquitin or tetra-ubiquitin-coated beads. Averages and SD
of six independent FRAP recordings are shown. (J) FRAP
curves of wild-type mCherry-p62 recruited to beads coated with decreasing
concentrations of mono-ubiquitin. For each sample, the averages and SD
from six independent FRAP recordings are shown. (K)
Quantification of wild-type and delta PB1 mCherry-p62 decay from
GST-di-ubiquitin-coated beads. Averages and SD of three independent
replicates are shown. (L) Representative images of data
shown in (K). For better comparison, brightness was adjusted
so that intensities of beads at time 0 is identical. Scale bars, 25
μm. (D) Total beads counted per condition: GFP-ub coated
beads + mCherry-p62 wild-type = 565; GFP-ub coated beads + mCherry-p62
K7A/D69A = 383; GFP-ub coated beads + mCherry-p62 delta PB1 = 378; GFP-ub
coated beads + mCherry-NBR1-p62 chimera = 476; GFP-ub coated
beads + mCherry-p62 LIR mutant = 393; GFP-ub coated beads + mCherry-p62
∆UBA = 347; GFP coated beads + mCherry-p62 wild-type
= 187.(E) Total beads quantified per condition:
mCherry-p62 WT: M1 4xUB = 427; K48 4xUB = 332; K63 4xUB = 305; mock = 95.
mCherry-p62 delta PB1: M1 4xUB = 266; K48 4xUB = 239; K63 4xUB = 226;
mock = 75.(G) Total beads quantified per condition:
mCherry-p62 wild-type: GST = 107; GST-mono-ubiquitin = 182;
GST-di-ubiquitin = 149; GST-tetra-ubiquitin = 236. mCherry-p62 delta PB1)
GST = 113; GST-mono-ubiquitin = 165; GST-di-ubiquitin = 134;
GST-tetra-ubiquitin = 241. (K) Total beads quantified:
wild-type = 83, delta PB1 = 65.