(A) 10 µm-deep (z-axis) slices of 3D reconstructions of SBF-SEM data taken from of WT and Mmp14 KO embryonic tendons at E15.5 showing collagen fibrils (blue) with a tip (marked by asterisks) found within the volume. Purple fibrils passed through the volume and so did not have tips in the reconstruction. Scale bars 500 nm. (B) Quantification of mean fibril length based on the number of tips identified shows that E15.5 WT fibrils are shorter than fibrils in age- and anatomical position-matched tail tendons from KO mice (308 and 266 fibrils tracked, respectively). (C) Tendon cross-sectional area and (D) FVF are not different at E15.5 KO tendons. (E, F) Electron microscopy of tendon-like constructs cultured in the presence of MMP inhibitor GM6001 (10 µM in 0.1% DMSO) show increased number of recessed fibripositors (arrowheads) compared to vehicle control. Scale bars 1 µm. (G) Increase in calculated mean fibril length in GM6001-treated tendon-like constructs. Bars show SEM. *p < 0.05, †p > 0.05 (t-tests).