Panel A) 1 % Vertical agarose gel electrophoresis (VAGE) gel. Lane B is from bovine left ventricular myocardium, lane M is from Manduca flight muscle, lane L is from Lethocerus flight muscle, lane D is from Drosophila flight muscle, and lane H is the protein size markers (see methods). S-1 is the larger isoform of sallimus protein, S-2 is the smaller isoform of sallimus protein. P-1 is the larger projectin isoform, P-2 is the smaller projectin isoform, K-1 is the larger kettin isoform and K-2 the smaller kettin isoform, 2. Panel B) Western blots against the projectin antibody. Panel C) Western blots against the kettin antibody. Panel D) Western blots against the 9D10 titin antibody.