Fig 2. LMS cone mosaics in the retinae of human subjects.
Each column represents an individual subject’s retina at 1.5 deg temporal eccentricity. The last column represents cone assignments for the protanopic subject. S-cones appear as a cluster of weakly reflecting cones under complete bleach starting from a dark adapted retina (top row). L and M cones appear as two distinct clusters of cones on the basis of their relative change in intensity under selective bleaches (middle row). No separation of such clusters are obtained in the protanope. Based on where a cone appears in the S vs L/M and L vs M clustering analysis, it is shaded as ‘blue’, ‘green’ and ‘red’ to represent S, M and L cones respectively (bottom row). Other than S-cones, cone assignments for the protanope are shaded as ‘green’ M-cones on the basis of previous verification of his color deficiency. The scale bar is 2 arc-min.