Fig 3. Manual statistical analysis of the literature collection process, as at the end of 2014.
(A) Distributions of different organisms used in the experimental protocol. (B) Distribution of the techniques used in the experimental protocol. In this context, “in vitro” refers to the experiments performed on proteins and peptides in test tubes without cells; “cell culture” refers to the use of non-primary cell lines in the assays; and “in vivo” refers to studies that work on animal, tissue culture or primary cell culture. Other experimental protocols such as bioengineered tissue matrix are not labelled in the pie chart to improve readability. These labels can be found online in CARFMAP. Each article may contain more than one experimental protocol. (C) Distribution of the disease model being used in the experimental protocol. Homeostatic disease model refers to the experimental protocol involving healthy or normal tissues and cells. A myriad of non-homeostatic disease models were grouped as “others” to improve readability. More specific labels (such as cardiomyopathy, cardiac fibrosis) can be found online in CARFMAP. Each article may contain more than one disease model.