Digest of 25uL hydrogel s in 125uL of reaction buffer of SELP815K, SELP815K-RS1, SELP815K-RS2, and SELP815K-RS5 with 40nM MMP-2 at room temperature for 14 days. White bars indicate undigested samples. Black bars indicate samples digested with MMP-2. Swelling ratio (A) defined as (wet weight/dry weight). Soluble fraction (B) assayed by modified Lowry assay, above each polymer type and weight percent is the ratio of increase of soluble fraction due to digestion. 815K:SELP815K, RS1:SELP815K-RS1, RS2:SELP815K-RS2, RS5:SELP815K-RS5. ***- p≤0.001, *-p≤0.05