Fig 3. Tight junction formation in MCF10A cells depends on culture conditions.
A. The tight junction (TJ) protein ZO-1 is visible as characteristic kissing points in 2D MCF10A monolayer cluster (white arrow head). B. Representative immunofluorescence stains for low- and highly-matured acini. Cortical F-actin signals (green) indicate acinar cell boundaries. ZO-1 protein (red) was only present as diffuse signal within the cytoplasm, irrespective of acinar-maturation states. The merged ZO-1 and F-actin stains demonstrate loss of colocalization and the absence of TJ-complexes. C. β-catenin signals indicate homogeneously distributed cell-cell contacts (adherence junctions) in both 2D MCF10A monolayer and in 3D MCF10A acini. Scale bars = 20 μm.