Appendix 1.
Description | Page location | |
Title and abstract | Indicate study design and give balanced summary of findings | Pages 1–2 |
Rationale | Explain the rationale for the study | Pages 3–4 |
Objectives | State study objective(s) | Page 4 |
Study design | Present key elements of study design | Page 6 |
Setting | Describe setting, locations, dates | Page 6 |
Participants | Describe selection criteria and any matching criteria | Page 6 |
Variables | Define outcomes, exposures, covariates | Page 7 |
Data sources | Give how each variable was measured | Page 7 |
Bias | Describe how sources of bias were managed | Pages 7–8 |
Quantitative variables | How were quantitative variables handled and were categories used | Page 8 |
Statistical methods | Describe methods of analysis, missing data, sensitivity analyses | Page 8 |
Participants | Describe numbers of subjects and any reasons for non-participation | Page 9 |
Descriptive data | Describe study participants and exposures | Page 9 |
Outcome data | Report number of events or other outcomes | Page 10 |
Main results | Give unadjusted and adjusted estimates | Page 10 |
Other analyses | Report sensitivity analyses | Page 10 |
Key results discussion | Summarize key findings | Page 11 |
Limitations | Discuss limitations | Pages 12–13 |
Interpretation | Give a cautious overall interpretation | Pages 11–13 |
Generalizability | Discuss external validity | Page 13 |
Funding | Describe sources of funding and potential conflicts | Page 1 |
Adapted from reference 17