Fig. 4.
Ectopic expression of Flag-Srx in HT29 cells promotes cell invasion in vitro and stimulates tumor growth & metastasis in vivo in a mouse orthotopic implantation model. (A) Stable expression of Flag-Srx in HT29 cells at levels equivalent to Srx endogenously expressed in HCT116 or RKO cells. (B–C) Compared with control cells expressing empty vector (V), expression of Flag-Srx in HT29 cells (Srx) stimulates colony formation in soft agar (B) and matrigel invasion (C). (D) Colon tumors at primary injection site and quantitative analysis of tumor averages in volume and weight. (E) Microscopic tumor metastases are not found in the liver and lung of mice injected with control HT29 cells, but are present in mice injected with HT29-FlagSrx cells. Arrow heads indicate microscopic tumor metastasis. (F) Quantitative analysis of data from (E). *Compared with vector control, p<0.05 (n = 8).