Figure 7. α-MSH activated PKA and Erk pathways in the ocular surface of the dry eye rats.
The effects of α-MSH on PKA and Erk signaling pathways were examined by western blots. The representative blots for p-CREB and total CREB ((A) top panel), p-Erk1 or 2 and total Erk1 or 2 ((B) top panel) were shown. β-tubulin was included as the loading control. The treatments the animals had undergone were shown in the bottom panel of (A) and (B). The relative ratios of p-CREB over total CREB and p-Erk1 or 2 over total Erk1 or 2 were shown in (C,D), respectively. n = 5 per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. D = dry eye, NaCl = saline, PD = PD98059.