Genetic differentiation in FBDs and dog expansion routes in Eurasia. (a) Distribution of sampling sites with their division into geographical regions, and dog expansion routes in Eurasia inferred using RASP. (b) Maximum-likelihood tree of genetic differentiation among FBDs and pure-breed dogs, constructed in TreeMix. Distribution of ancestral populations was inferred using RASP (with uncertainty assessed using BB MCMC) and is marked on nodes using colour codes. Black colour denotes undetermined distribution, and the colour codes are simplified compared with the original output (electronic supplementary material, figure S18a). In the RASP analysis, Arctic breeds were assigned to East Asia, according to their primary origin [19–21]. Bootstrap support (based on 1000 replicates) is marked with black stars if above 90% and with white stars if between 65 and 90%. (c) Population genetic structure in Eurasian FBDs, inferred using Admixture assuming two to four genetic clusters.