Figure 3.
Gene expression of mated or virgin naive focal T. castaneum beetles that were cohabitated for 18 h with wounded beetles of the same sex and mating status. Prior to cohabitation, beetles were allowed to mate or kept individually. Beetles were then wounded or remained naive and placed into cohabitation groups. Eight cohabitation groups were formed. To produce the NW groups, mated naive females or males were placed with mated wounded females or males, respectively (NW). Two similar groups were set up for virgin females and males. The four control groups were the same except the cohabited beetles were always naive (NN). Gene expression of the four NW groups is shown relative to the corresponding four NN control groups. Each bar is the mean of seven biological replicates, and for each sample total RNA of 10 animals was used (for detailed experimental set-up, see electronic supplementary material, figure S2). Means and error bars were calculated by REST 2009. Error bars indicate 1 s.e. Statistical significances after Benjamini Hochberg (FDR) corrections are indicated with: *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001. Means that were significant before FDR are indicated with asterisks within parentheses.