Table 1.
Characteristics of Included Studies and Proportion of Studies Within Each Characteristic
Characteristic | No. of studies (% of all reviewed studies) |
Country | US | 2418–26,30,32–40,42–46 (77%) |
Non-US | 76,17,27–29,31,41 (23%) |
Setting | Healthcare system | All | 246,19–26,29–31,33–41,43–45 |
VA system | 321–23 | ||
Community-based | All | 717,18,27,28,32,42,46 | |
Worksite | 227,28 | ||
Control group | No control group | 529,31,38,40,42 (16%) |
Control received usual care | 256,17–28,30,32–37,39,41,43–45 (81%) |
Treated control | 146 (3%) |
Publication period | 1980s | 419,27,28,41 (13%) |
1990s | 531,32,36,39,43 (16%) |
2000s | 146,17,18,20,24,26,29,30,33,37,38,40,42,45 (45%) |
2010s | 821–23,25,34,35,44,46 (26%) |
VA, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs