(A, B) The
surface tension and the free energy derivative at planar
curvature at various mismatches for pure DMPC bilayer with NT = 80, where the leaflet properties are shown
in red (upper) and blue (lower), and bilayer properties are shown
in black: (A) The surface tensions, γ (circle), γT (square), γB (triangle), and the estimates
calculated from eq 8 (lines); (B) The free energy
derivatives at planar curvature, F̅′(0)
(circle), F̅T′(0) (square),
and F̅B′(0) (triangle) and
the estimate of these derivatives calculated from eq 9 (lines). (C, D) The energetic penalty due to SA/lipid mismatch
estimated from eq 11 (symbol), the prediction
from eq 10 (line), and an energy level, 2kBT (orange line):50 (C) the energetic penalty for pure DMPC bilayer
with NT = 80 and (D) the energetic penalty
for pure DMPC bilayers with different sizes, NT = 40 (red square) and 80 (blue circle). In all the panels
(A–D), the error bars are standard errors from three block
averages, and the gray area represents the region within one standard
error of the predicted line.